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"WebTitan Cloud adds a strong layer of protection to our customers router and WiFi set up. WebTitan Cloud just fits perfectly in a place where nothing else really does"

The Challenge

  • The internet is critical to the majority of people these days. Unfortunately, malicious websites, spyware, and viruses present real threats to internet user, these just can’t be ignored. Family-Guard Filtering provides WiFi routers  to homes with pre-configured DNS settings so home users can experience quality network protection via  a plug and play model.  The company is growing quickly with increased demand for clean and filtered home WiFi.  All filtering plans are designed to keep inappropriate content out of customers home. 
  • All router purchases come with pre-configured settings to remove harmful & dangerous content from the home. Previously the FamilyGuard service used a different filtering service to plug into their routers.  The company started using the WebTitan WiFi filter in April  2016 to ensure safe and filtered Wi-Fi access to their customers.
  • In moving to a new DNS  filtering solution  Family-Guard  needed to be sure the domain database  and URL filtering capabilities were significant and all the associated technologies were robust and up to standard.  The previous solution  however proved  inadequate as Family-Guard experienced numerous issues which could not be overcome  namely around category and site classification accuracy.  The company have found that since offering WebTitan Cloud as part of their router offering they’ve had complete accuracy. With WebTitan Cloud the system contains over 500 million website addresses in 200 languages, each sorted into the predefined categories. Combined with cloud based look up users get highly accurate and flexible filtering based on the website’s content.
  • According to Tanner Harman, President of Family-Guard ‘another important element we were looking for in our replacement solution was complete white labelling, thankfully WebTitan is completely rebrandable and customisable providing us with the vital ability to provide a unified "ALL IN" service to customers’.  Rebrandable elements include a customisable UI to reflect your own corporate branding and a customisable block page.

The Solution

  • The Family-Guard team did a lot of research looking at various rebrandable web filtering providers and eventually signed up for a free trial of the Web Titan cloud service. After testing it independently for a while they got in touch with TitanHQ with some questions on how best to implement and use WebTitan to offer web filtering to our customers. According to Tanner  ‘In terms of the trial everything was very straightforward, it was good to speak to an engineer that was able to answer all my questions, this is not common in the technology industry. In terms of usability I  liked the interface which was very user friendly. The reporting tool was also easy to use and I like the notification system a lot. “

Recovered Time

  • “WebTitan Cloud has drastically reduced the time my team spends responding to malware. The ease of implementing WebTitan Cloud made it simple to get up and running. For our technical staff it reduced the time spend on support calls as the number of support calls reduced  dramatically almost immediately. WebTitan Cloud blocks all the bad stuff before it hits the customers location so issues that previously occurred regularly are now avoided.


  • ‘The multi-tenant console is fantastic and very easy to use. WebTitan Cloud adds a strong layer of protection to our customers router and WiFi set up and WebTitan Cloud just fits in a place that nothing else really fits’.

Planning for Growth – no licensing barriers

  • As a web filtering service provider  Family-Guard  are growing at a staggering rate, adding customers to their service daily. Being able to sustain this growth without any license barriers was essential for them. With WebTitan cloud adding licenses daily, weekly or month is easy. Family-Guard  were offered a very flexible plan that worked with dynamic licensing requirements without being cost prohibitive.

The Results

In moving to a new DNS filtering solution Family-Guard needed to be sure the domain database was significant and all the associated technologies were robust and up to standard. With WebTitan Cloud they were not disappointed. The solution allows Family-Guard to offer web content controls to their customers easily. Deployed as a cloud based service, it is a DNS based solution requiring simple DNS redirect to the WebTitan servers. This makes it simple to set up and manage. It facilitates scale and eliminates latency. The multi tenanted solution can be hosted either within the TitanHQ Cloud or in the service provider’s own datacentre.

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