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What happens after the 14 Days?

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Which deployment option should I choose?

The deployment option varies depending on your organizations needs. The gateway deployment options are traditionally suited to organizations that want more granularity, while the cloud based solutions are best suited to organizations that want simplicity.

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A Phishing Expedition: Why Phishing is The #1 Threat to Your Clients’ Security

A Phishing Expedition: Why Phishing is The #1 Threat to Your Clients’ Security

A Phishing Expedition: Why Phishing is The #1 Threat to Your Clients’ Security

Discover how MSPs can build comprehensive phishing protections for clients in a complex threat landscape

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Uncover key insights from TitanHQ's latest research in our report, "A Phishing Expedition: Why Phishing is The #1 Threat to Your Clients’ Security."

This comprehensive resource explores how Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can build comprehensive phishing protections for clients in the modern world. 

In today's landscape, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) face an unprecedented imperative: to deliver ironclad phishing protection to their clients. This guide serves as a strategic toolkit, equipping MSPs with the knowledge and tools required to explain why email security is so important and to take strategic action to make sure clients are well protected.
Curious about how your MSP can help protect clients with the right phishing solution? Download the report to find out! 

In an increasingly saturated MSP market, we want to help you offer a comprehensive security portfolio in order to stand out from the crowd. PhishTitan does just that—it’s designed to deliver unbeatable anti-phishing accuracy, minimal false-positive results and ease of use.

This Guide Examines

  • Modern types of phishing
  • PhishTitan: The phishing prevention tool for Microsoft 365
  • The layers of phishing protection
  • How TitanHQ can help you fortify your defenses

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