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Microsoft Office 365 is integrated with several enterprise systems, and it’s a great tool for productivity across departments. Because it’s commonly integrated into corporate systems, Office 365 is also a primary target for various malware, ransomware, and email-based attacks. Microsoft offers some basic security on its platform, but it isn’t sufficient for blocking sophisticated attacks. Several of the latest data breaches started with a sophisticated targeted attack on the Office 365 platform, so organizations need an added layer of security to fully protect their data and continuity.

Does Microsoft Office 365 Have Any Malware Protection?

The answer to this question is “Yes,” Microsoft does offer a layer of security. Unfortunately, the security is limited to avoid blocking legitimate email messages to their corporate clients. The Office 365 platform is built to support as many clients as possible including individuals with a basic account. The system isn’t fully customizable to support different unique corporate environments and is meant to support volumes of people rather than targeting corporate concerns.

Using Microsoft’s basic Office 365 security is sufficient to block common threats, so cyber-criminals create targeted threats for specific organizations. Basic security is unable to catch targeted sophisticated attacks, and cyber-criminals know it. Because of the inability to catch these sophisticated attacks, corporations need a way to add a layer of security to stop them. Think of this additional layer of security as an enhancement rather than a replacement of the basic Microsoft Office 365 security system for your email and documents.

Did You Know?


SpamTitan's spam catch rate

11 seconds

a ransomware attack occurs


the average cost to manage spam per person without an email filter


of all email is spam

Why Do Businesses Need an Added Layer of Security for Office 365?

The most common attack vector for malware and ransomware is email. Office 365 is more than just an email system in Exchange. It also has a document-sharing and creation feature commonly used in corporate environments. Corporations need a way to block malware and ransomware from being delivered in emails, documents, and any other Office 365 platform feature. The added security layer is necessary to block malicious executable files from accessing your internal network environment.

Malware can be devastating for an organization, but the most devastating attack comes from ransomware. Several variants of ransomware are completely irreversible while security researchers have found bypasses for others. Ransomware is a form of malware that scans your network for important files and encrypts them with an irreversible cryptographically secure cipher. After files are encrypted, the attacker asks for payment in exchange for the key that will decrypt and recover your files. For some nastier forms of ransomware, attackers promise a key and never deliver it if the payment is made. Ransomware can completely cripple an organization and force you out of business due to lost data and productivity.

Backups are the only way to recover from ransomware, and even then, most businesses lose some data after an attack. Paying the ransom isn’t suggested, although some corporations have no choice but to pay the ransom in the hope of recovering their files. Because a business uses Office 365, it gives an attacker the advantage of knowing the types of files that could be important to business owners.

Ransomware often starts with a simple email message, and it only takes one employee to fall for the attacker’s tricks to create havoc on the environment. Email isn’t the only form of delivery. A shared Office 365 document could contain a malicious link or a malicious executable used to download and install ransomware. Organizations need the added layer of security to stop all these various ways attackers use to install malware on a vulnerable machine.

Can Organizations Block Spam and Downloads with Office 365 Security?

Malware isn’t the only issue for organizations with Office 365. Spam takes up resources unnecessarily, clogs up storage space, costs organizations in network and storage resources, and is a general nuisance for users. Microsoft Office 365 does what it can to block spam from reaching a targeted user’s inbox, but an added layer of security is necessary to block spam and the downloads attached to malicious messages.

Spam messages can fall into several categories, but the most dangerous spam tricks users into accessing a website where they are prompted to download spyware and other forms of nuisance programs. Good Office 365 security offers features to block websites from user browsers so that they are unable to access them and download malware programs.

DNS-based content filters block users from opening malicious websites in their browsers.  Instead of allowing a user to download malware and stop it during installation, DNS-based filters don’t let users access the download website at all. This level of Office 365 security is much more proactive instead of relying on antivirus applications to catch the malware installation before it can do any harm. Using DNS-based content filtering, an organization gets a much higher level of cybersecurity than standard antivirus and email filters included in the Office 365 platform.

Spam takes up resources unnecessarily, clogs up storage space, costs organizations in network and storage resources, and is a general nuisance for users.

Can Office 365 Malware Protection Stop Phishing?

As with any other type of attack, phishing can be devastating for an organization when a user is tricked into divulging private information. Phishing is more common than most organization owners think, and targeted phishing attacks can lead to millions lost in stolen data, money transfers, or paid fraudulent invoices. Even large organizations where cybersecurity training is prominent have fallen victim to phishing attacks. Microsoft Office 365 has some phishing prevention, but an added layer of email security is still necessary for a more comprehensive approach, especially protection from sophisticated spear-phishing attacks.

An added layer of security blocks phishing and the targeted spear-phishing attacks used in sophisticated threats. Office 365 lacks the ability to block targeted phishing attacks necessary to provide full protection from these threats.

Hear from our Customers

Great Hassle Free Spam Filtering

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The interface and backend makes it easy for all of our staff to manage spam- before we ran on a Sonicwall email security appliance that would randomly crash, and was slow. Being able to deploy SpamTitan as a VM with clustering features for both of our sites has been a life saver. We hardly ever see spam get through, and when it does, we make sure that we forward it on to the spambank and then it is never a problem again. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: Make use of SpamTitan support- they are fast, friendly and always happy to help. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Much less spam on our already strained exchange server. Also a good guard against exchange going down, all mail gets held at the spam filter until it comes back up.

Irfan A.

Systems Administrator

Better than I thought.

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? Simple setup. Comprehensive and in depth options. Our vendor had a basic script to start us out that made our transition a snap. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? We avoid SPAM and Virus attempts into our network. This relieves our need to deal with problems on each computer user.

Donald M.


Great value for money & 1st class support!

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? Performance at filter SPAM is nearly perfect. There are not much spam mails coming through and if it does, they are not clearly ""spam"". Also the support is great - normally you get an answer after a few hours and a working solution for you at the same day. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: It's hard to find such a great product at this price! Give it a try. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Filtering about every SPAM mail which is send to our mailboxes. Employes doesn't complain about spam mails anymore. It works fine for mailboxes and public folders (mail address based solution). A lot better than VIPRE.

Gregor S.

IT System Administrator / IT Consultant

Hands down best replacement for Barracuda

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The degree of customization and logging is amazing. You can account for everything going in or out of your organization and set filtering rules to match any scenario. Performance of the web UI and functions like searching and reporting are lightning quick. Virtual machine for VMware was super easy to deploy. Spam Titan offers an in-house solution, which we LOVE as well as options for people who prefer cloud. In-House appliance has full support for ipv6 both sending and receiving. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: Take the time to consider SpamTitan. The offering is flexible and if you still want and trust an in-house solution, they offer that in addition to cloud. The in house solution is not scaled down in any was and is just as good as the cloud offering. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Barracuda spam filtering was letting us down and letting viruses through. As a managed service provider we wanted our own in-house solution for spam filtering we could use our self and resell to customers. We didn't feel like paying some other company to do it for us in ""the cloud"". Spam Titan was the perfect fit.

David S.


Cloud Version is Great for Managed Services Providers

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The support is great and the cloud platform seems to work very well at integrating with either on-site Exchange servers or Office 365. I also like the single daily email to each user giving them the opportunity to review blocked messages and take action. Many other platforms swamp users with notifications every time something is blocked. This is very simple for us to setup and users to understand. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? We are an MSP with clients of all sizes that desire managed spam protection. They need the ability to see what messages are blocked and whitelist if necessary, in a format that all of their users can understand. We appreciate the simple, clean interface that gives us the ability to quickly setup new clients, as well as quickly find and take action on messages that the client needs to find right away. The support has been great, as we are constantly swamped with duties and responsibilities of our own and do not have time to spend hours learning how to use a new platform or troubleshoot an issue.

Andrew B.

Vice President

Advanced Phishing, Malware, and Content Filtering

TitanHQ SpamTitan blocks many of today’s attacks and mitigates zero-day threats of the future. Our advanced Office 365 cybersecurity detects and blocks phishing, malware, ransomware, spam, and other email-based threats. Artificial Intelligence systems use our threat intelligence to add a layer of security to Microsoft Office 365 so that any messages that pass through the Microsoft system will be blocked by the SpamTitan solution.

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


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