Approaching a client with services that solve problems is key for MSPs. One component in these solutions should always be a security stack. This security stack is what protects clients from the numerous, ever-evolving new threats introduced every day. To approach a client with the best security solutions requires a security-minded MSP.
Put Extra Time into SMBs and Clients That Need It the Most
Every client needs a security stack, but some clients have poorly architecture security or even no security protocols at all. These clients are at a higher risk than others as all it takes is one misstep and the result can be a significant data breach.
The first step is to provide security awareness to these clients. Small businesses know their industry but rarely do they understand cybersecurity and threats. Security awareness requires training and patience to help clients understand the importance of cybersecurity. This can be in the form of formal training classes, cybersecurity exercises such as phishing, and documentation for the client to read. The better a client understands cyber security and what can happen with a successful attack, the more empowered they will be to protect their data and properly utilize the MSP’s security stack architecture.
In addition to training clients, it’s also imperative that the MSP provides ongoing staff training. Cybersecurity threats are always changing to overcome the latest defenses, and MSP staff can only be effective if they are able to recognize, contain, and eliminate any threats.
Cyber Security Solutions Should Fit Seamlessly into SMB Infrastructure
Some infrastructure changes are unavoidable, but cybersecurity should not impede an SMB’s productivity. An MSP should design solutions that fit seamlessly into current SMB workflows so that staff can still be productive without too many hurdles. Cybersecurity adds a level of complication and deterrents, but they should not slow down SMB workflows costing money in poor productivity.
MSPs with an experienced, strong background in cyber security can offer considerable value to an SMB. Work with clients to find solutions that don’t interfere with productivity but still offer effective defenses against cyber threats. Not only can MSPs provide effect security, but some consulting can save SMBs on IT costs and create an environment that actually boosts productivity and increases revenue. With this type of offering, an MSP can acquire clients for life.
Be the Go-To Person for Cyber Security Information
Even after fully training clients on cybersecurity threats, you can’t expect them to know everything there is to know about cybersecurity. They still need to be able to ask questions and alert a professional should they observe suspicious activity. If the organization sees an uptick in phishing emails, the SMB needs someone to find a solution. The MSP should be the go-to reference for all clients.
This key element of effective MSP services ties into staff training and always staying on top of the latest news in cybersecurity. The MSP must be able to quickly to contain a threat and find new solutions that block ongoing current threats. For instance, if an SMB is experiencing an uptick in phishing emails, the best solution is to find an email filtering system that helps contain and quarantine spoofed and suspicious emails with attachments.
Always Review Current Infrastructure for Needed Improvements
Technology always changes, and hackers get to work immediately to find ways to get around defenses. As technology becomes outdated, attackers find ways to overcome defenses and new cybersecurity infrastructure including software is needed. MSPs should always stay up to date with the latest threats, but they should also review installed security stacks regularly. It’s suggested that cybersecurity documentation and implementation should be reviewed yearly.
The difficulty of implementing new resources depends on the scalability of the initial deployment. For this reason, MSPs should always build systems that scale. With scalability, new resources can be deployed with relatively short downtime and without any changes to the SMB’s internal procedures.
Consistency, scalability, flexibility and custom-tailored solutions for each client are key for running an effective, security-minded MSP. Clients that have continual integrated security that facilitates better defenses without unnecessary hurdles will appreciate an MSP’s security stack and stick with the organization. It’s still always a benefit to empower SMBs and train them on the best ways to detect cybersecurity, which will, in turn, provide a safer environment and fewer emergency issues for the MSP.
TitanSield Partner Program
As a Managed Service Provider you will immediately benefit from adopting TitanHQ’s platform and security solutions. Our unique MSP Program, TitanShield, allows managed service providers and resellers to take advantage of TitanHQ's multi-tenant cloud-based platform, proven technology and APIs so that they can sell, onboard, manage and deliver our advanced network security solutions directly to their client base. Further information on the TitanShield MSP Program is available here.
To find out more about the TitanShield program and how we work closely with managed service providers to meet the requirements of the SMB marketplace speak with our MSP Integration team today.
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