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Plaintext email communication is an insecure form of communication, but encrypting your email messages adds necessary security that protects your organization from data eavesdropping and theft.

Enterprise-level encryption like TitanHQ EncryptTitan will stop hackers from reading email messages and reduce the risk of data theft by eliminating the need for client-side email encryption protection.

Client-side protection opens doors for bypasses available to hackers, but EncryptTitan reduces overhead for administrators and users and stops many of the common email eavesdropping attacks. 

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8 billion

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How does an Email Encryption Gateway Work?

Email is traditionally in plaintext unencrypted when it passes from server to server until it reaches the intended recipient. As a message passes over the internet, it’s vulnerable to interception and eavesdropping. Any malicious administrators could steal information, proprietary data, or file attachments, leaving your organization open to compliance violations, hefty fines, and brand reputation damage.

An email encryption gateway solves the problem of eavesdropping by encrypting plaintext messages during transfer from the client to the email server for all outgoing communication. Instead of relying on client-side user tools to encrypt email, messages are encrypted as they are sent to the outgoing server. The benefit is that any malware or bypasses on the client’s computer would not affect server-side encryption, protecting your important and private messages from theft.

Users no longer worry about the best encryption standards, and they no longer need to load client-side software, because the email encryption gateway does it for them. An enterprise-grade solution like EncryptTitan is cloud-based. This means that any user located at home, in the office, or remotely traveling will send email through the encryption gateway before it’s sent to the intended recipient.

When email is sent, the cipher used to encrypt data is determined by the gateway and supported by the intended recipient to ensure that the reader can decrypt the message. The cipher used is environment agnostic, meaning it can be read on any email client, client device or operating system. By ensuring agnostic communication, an organization can encrypt email data on any platform, between any user, and use it with critical mobile applications.

"91% of healthcare facilities have had at least one data breach involving the loss or theft of patient data"

Why Use an Email Encryption Gateway?

Email is a critical part of business communication. Every business works differently, but each one uses email to communicate customer concerns, discuss internal issues, send alerts to specific administrators, message vendors, and many other reasons. In addition to plaintext messages, emails also contain attachments with highly sensitive information including customer data, intellectual property, financial information, and other proprietary confidential data. Traditional standards of email messaging leaves organizations open to data theft, as this data is transferred in plaintext across the internet, and attackers can intercept and steal plaintext messages.

Another common use for email is application communication. Mobile and desktop apps send email to internal users, or the application could send email messages to users within the environment. If these messages contain sensitive information, they could be intercepted by a malicious threat actor. An email encryption gateway solves this problem by encrypting messages within the application when it’s sent from user to user or user to an internal employee.

Any organization that falls under compliance regulations must be aware of the ways users pass data in email. By leaving data security to users, organizations open risk to mistakes and inappropriate use. An email encryption gateway stops attackers from stealing data, so organizations can protect their interests and avoid hefty compliance penalty payments and litigation from data misuse.

Hear from our Customers

Easy to use

Easy to use and to integrate with my existing software. As a small law firm, the product has been very easy and cost effective to use.

David T.

Principal and Member

Great service and fantastic support.

Great service and fantastic support, found EncryptTitan recently and will be offers to all my clients over the coming months. does what is says on the tin

Patrick B.


Dynamic Networks

The best thing we can say is that we have had no real issues! We had many issues with our former products, worst of all it sending emails tagged as encrypted, but they weren't at all. This was a code red issue for us. Pros: Integration was easy , and the members assigned to assist us with the transition were great to work with and could get any question answered. Cons: Encrypt Titan was just slightly confusing to roll out as there's a decent amount of setup. However, the support team assigned to us helped us greatly in the process.


IT Technician

IT director

Good no complaints Easy to use and user are very happy to have a software


IT director

Titan HQ

Comments: As a small law firm, the product has been very easy and cost effective to use. Easy to use and to integrate with my existing software


Principal and Member

How EncryptTitan Can Help?

TitanHQ EncryptTitan is an enterprise-level email encryption gateway that helps organization manage and deploy email encryption solutions. It’s a cloud-based solution that makes it convenient for any organization to roll out the gateway without much overhead and downtime.

EncryptTitan will ensure that email communication is encrypted so that your organization stays compliant. It takes the stress of data security out of the hands of end users and puts the responsibility on email administrators so that they can ensure encryption across all email messages.

With EncryptTitan, your organization reduces the risk of data loss and prevents employees from sharing unencrypted and insecure information. With this benefit, it reduces the chance of a critical data breach, which could result in hefty fines, brand reputation damage, and long-term litigation that could last for years. The convenient setup can save your organization millions of dollars from a preventable data breach.

EncryptTitan searches for keywords configured by your email administrators to determine when messages should be encrypted and automatically encrypts messages when sensitive data is found.

Our email encryption solution works well with Microsoft Outlook. Our Outlook plugin makes it convenient for administrators to deploy the email encryption solution across the entire organization to all end users. The Outlook plugin gives additional control to your users so that they can also decide which email messages to encrypt automatically.

Seamless security enhances current cybersecurity across the organization so that attachment files such as Excel spreadsheets and Word documents are no longer exposed to potential attackers.

EncryptTitan offers solutions across devices, so desktop and mobile users have the added security benefit of encrypted messages regardless of their location or device. Because it’s cloud-based, EncryptTitan is environment agnostic, so messages can be encrypted and decrypted regardless of your environment, operating system, messaging system, or email server.

Corporate applications can also leverage your organization’s email encryption gateway to protect messages sent from mobile apps or ones generated from your corporate websites.

Finally, TitanHQ EncryptTitan will protect your brand. A data breach can critically harm your brand reputation and eventually harms current and potential future revenue. Your organization can avoid the loss of customers and preserve their trust using EncryptTitan to protect their data.

EncryptTitan alleviates many of the email security concerns enterprise organizations deal with. Especially when you have employees working from home, offices in remote locations, and users working with their own personal devices.

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


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