"SpamTitan is a massive peace of mind, as it just works. The stats on the Dashboard speak for themselves, a lot of customers have no idea just how many threats they face each day.”
The Challenge
- S2 Computers had to find a secure email protection solution, to keep clients email safe, while block malicious emails and phishing attempts, but allowing genuine emails to enter the client’s inbox.
- As a successful MSP, S2 required a solution that was easy to deploy, and simple to switch over from their current provider for all 850+ customers.
- Our previous provider stopped trading so we were forced to find an alternative. ‘ I had used SpamTitan hosted before with good success, plus we had a couple of clients using SpamTitan on premise as a VM to protect onsite Exchange Servers and again it had worked well’ said Andy Atthowe.
- Phishing attacks and spoof emails were a growing concern for S2 Computers and their customers. S2 required a solution that would catch Spam and block it before entering the clients email system.
- With the shift to remote working, S2 clients are relying on technology more than ever. The risk of falling victim to a cyberattack significantly increased. Users may open an email/ click a link that previously they would have checked with a colleague.
The Solution
- “Easy to manage” - “It’s as easy to deploy as you can get”. “It was installed and has worked seamlessly ever since, we didn’t get flooded with end user queries”.
- SpamTitan is a multi-award winning solution with double anti virus protection. SpamTitan has provided “massive peace of mind as it just works and the stats on the Dashboard speak for themselves, a lot of customers have no idea just how many threats they face each day.”
- Since deploying SpamTitan, “it’s saved us time, it’s cost effective and kept our clients happy, plus we know that when we need it support is readily available”.
- “SpamTitan is very good value for money”
- Reporting features “has great stats on the dashboard that really show what the product is doing”.
- “Packed full of features, with more added all the time”, S2’s favourite feature is the grey listing feature, as it allows the client to allow in genuine emails.
- “SpamTitan support are absolutely superb, this is the hidden gem and what makes the product so easy and effective to use”.
The Results
In moving to SpamTitan Email Protection solution, S2 Computers required a solution to protect clients email accounts from phishing attacks, spoofing emails, block malicious emails but allow genuine emails to reach the client inbox. SpamTitan did not disappoint and has worked seamlessly since deployment.
S2 clients are relying on security technology more than ever. With the change in working from home, a client may open an email or click a link, where previously they would ask a colleagues about the authenticity of an email. SpamTitan blocks all such emails from entering the client inbox, with a Spam Catch Rate of 99.99%.
S2 Computers recommends for any organization, thinking of making the change, “Just make the switch, the product works, support is superb and the price is really good!”. “For us running the full VM version on Azure has proved the most successful. Everything is in our control and we get the full feature set, readily available” said Andy Atthowe, Director of S2 Computers.
93000 Emails flagged as spam
Only 51% of emails have been passed as clean emails
79 Viruses blocked
SpamTitan blocked 79 potential viruses for S2 clients
38 Banned attachments
Blocked email attachments including harmful malware