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Office 365 Phishing Protection - What You Need to Know?

When it comes to the different programs that professionals use to help run their businesses, Microsoft Office 365 is one of the most widely used. It offers its users a variety of benefits. From working remotely to unbelievable IT support, it's easy to see why Office 365 is the choice of many businesses across the globe.

Despite its popularity, Office 365 can leave your business email open to deceptive phishing scams and threats. It comes equipped with a standard email filtration system that works fine for a personal email account, but what happens when you need protection for Office 365 in the workplace?

Why trust your business's sensitive information to a standard email filter that can’t compete with today’s threats? To protect your business and eliminate the threat of phishing emails infiltrating your inbox, a solid third-party solution like SpamTitan for Office 365 can help.

SpamTitan Plus+ offers advanced Office 365 phishing protection to ensure your business, employees, and clients don’t become the targets of malicious phishing attacks.

Before we talk about how PhishTitan can help protect your business, let’s learn more about phishing, what it is, and the different ways you can be targeted.

Did You Know?


SpamTitan's spam catch rate

11 Seconds

a ransomware attack occurs


the average cost to manage spam per person without an email filter


of all email is spam

What is Phishing?

To understand why Office 365 phishing protection is so important, you first have to understand what phishing is and all the different ways you can be targeted. After all, knowledge is the best weapon when it comes to online attacks.

Phishing is when cybercriminals attempt to lure sensitive information out of you by way of fraudulent emails disguised as regular, harmless emails. These emails often contain malicious software known as ransomware or malware designed to steal data and block access until a ransom is paid.

Additionally, there are many different types of phishing emails. Each one is unique and requires a unique solution. Let’s look at the main types of phishing emails to be aware of.

Simple Phishing

We’ve all received an email from a Nigerian prince who needs our help. This would be an example of an early simple phishing email. In recent years, these simple phishing emails have evolved to include emails claiming contest winnings, password expiration, full email inboxes, and more.

The goal of these simple phishing emails is equally as simple. It’s to get you to send money or gain access to your company's sensitive information.

Sophisticated Phishing

Sophisticated phishing emails are slightly more complex because they may contain personal information. While a simple phishing email is a boilerplate mass email that looks the same for everyone, a sophisticated phishing email might contain your actual name or password, which was purchased online from another data breach.

This not only makes the email appear more legitimate, but it also seeks to create fear in its reader. An example of this type of phishing email claims to have footage of you watching pornography and threatens to send it to your contact list if you don’t pay them.

Spear Phishing

Spear phishing emails seek to target a specific group or person within an organization. Typically the attacker will do some research on their victim, gaining their name, email, and even the names of their colleagues or friends. They then target their victim with a phishing email that appears to have come from a trusted source like your boss with instructions for a “special project” that needs an injection of funds. These can be tricky to identify due to the personalized nature of these emails.


Finally, whaling emails are targeted attacks on an organization’s “big guns,” typically the CEO or Chair of the Board. These emails are flawlessly researched, well crafted, and will often result in firings data breaches and could even result in a complete dissolution of the business.

The Signs of an Office 365 Phishing Attack

Even though Office 365 is a robust program with all kinds of security features, because of its popularity, it is also a big target for those trying to gain access to your organization. Office 365 acts as the DNA of many companies globally, and because of that, security threats are consistently evolving beyond the capabilities of a standard email filter.

Here are a few ways an attacker can gain access to your Office 365 email accounts when it comes to phishing schemes.

Stolen Credentials

Your staff accesses their Office 365 work accounts by entering certifications like logins and passwords, but what happens when attackers acquire those stolen credentials? They use the information to access the staff members' OneDrive, Microsoft 365, and Sharepoint folders. Once they have access, emails are sent to other workers and clients, inside and outside the company. This is called data exfiltration, and it can be a real client killer.

Fake Voice Messages

You log on, and Outlook for Office 365 indicates you have an email. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? The subject line reads: “Incoming: You received a voice message from +1 555-555-55 - 250 seconds.” The email shouts out your first name in the body of the message.

Along with the realistic-looking phone number, the email contains a phishing link you can click on to listen to your message. Click on that link, and the attacker has your sign-on info. Fake Voice Messages are one of the more popular ways for deceptive individuals to gain access to Office 365.   

Strange URL’s

Clicking unknown links while reading emails can be another way for attackers to gain access to the company’s Office 365 accounts. Suppose you’re noticing that links from certain emails are continually leading to the wrong location or taking you to third-party affiliate sites. In that case, you may be under an attempted phishing attack.

Irregular Requests

If a recent email has requested for you to modify security settings, enable macros, or install applications, it’s time to alert the IT department. Irregular requests from untrusted sources are another way attackers gain access.

Non-Delivery Email Spam

One of the more popular ways for attackers to gain entry to your Office 365 systems are by using fake Non-Delivery emails. When a user sees these emails, the first impulse is to resend the emails as soon as possible. With Non-Delivery Email Spam, when the user clicks “Send Again,” it takes users to a deceptive Office365 login screen.

After the information is entered, the site redirects to outlook, leaving the user believing they are in no danger. The fact is, they are, as the attacker now has the user's credentials and the ability to wreak havoc with your systems.

These are only a few popular ways attackers gain access to Office 365 systems with phishing schemes. The truth is, with Office 365 being such a big target for hackers, new ways of accessing private information are being developed every day. Standard email filters might not be up to the challenge with these ever-evolving threats.

SpamTitan blocks 99.99% of Spam Emails.

Why You Need SpamTitan Plus+

If you're looking for total protection against the most dishonest phishing tactics out there, SpamTitan Plus+ for Office 365 is here to help.

We focus on providing predictive approaches like heuristics, Bayesian analysis, and machine learning to block new varieties of whaling, spearfishing, and zero-day attacks before they advance further into your Office 365 mailbox.

SpamTitan Plus+ email protection allows you to augment Office 365s native email security with award-winning phishing defense from a trustworthy security provider.


Access the Power of The Sandbox

SpamTitan Plus+ comes equipped with our best tool for phishing prevention; a process called sandboxing.

Sandboxing helps safeguard against sophisticated email attacks and zero-day threats by delivering a solid environment to run an in-depth, refined analysis of unknown or suspicious programs and files.

Our state-of-the-art email security layer will protect against malware, spear phishing, advanced persistent threats (APTs), offering insight into unknown threats and helping mitigate risks.

Sandboxing also assists in uncovering malicious files, including polymorphic and other threats designed for undetectable targeted attacks.


Advanced Protocol for an Advanced World

SpamTitan is jam-packed with award-winning machine learning and behavioral analysis technologies. It allows your IT team the ability to trick hackers into thinking that their endgame was achieved by opening suspicious packages in a secure environment.

Our advanced email security layer will protect against malware, advanced persistent threats, and all forms of sophisticated phishing techniques, offering insight into new threats and helping mitigate risks for your business.

Hear from our Customers

Minimizes our exposure to harmful malware and junk emails

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? I like that it's very easy to get started. We can basically get SpamTitan connected to our email accounts right away. The control panel can be accessed through our web browser, which I find very convenient. We can let the system automatically filters malware and spam email or input our own email addresses or domain names to blacklist. We can also whitelist domain names to ensure certain senders get through. The pricing is very reasonable and the tech support is usually quick to respond whenever we have questions. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? We've had fewer annoying spam emails and emails that contain malware and phishing messages. By having less clutter in our inboxes we're able to spend more time being productive with our actual work activities rather then sorting through and deleting emails. I feel more at ease knowing that email I receive are more likely to be meaningful emails sent from actual people I work with and do business with.

David C.

Outreach Specialist

Hands down best replacement for Barracuda

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The degree of customization and logging is amazing. You can account for everything going in or out of your organization and set filtering rules to match any scenario. Performance of the web UI and functions like searching and reporting are lightning quick. Virtual machine for VMware was super easy to deploy. Spam Titan offers an in-house solution, which we LOVE as well as options for people who prefer cloud. In-House appliance has full support for ipv6 both sending and receiving. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: Take the time to consider SpamTitan. The offering is flexible and if you still want and trust an in-house solution, they offer that in addition to cloud. The in house solution is not scaled down in any was and is just as good as the cloud offering. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Barracuda spam filtering was letting us down and letting viruses through. As a managed service provider we wanted our own in-house solution for spam filtering we could use our self and resell to customers. We didn't feel like paying some other company to do it for us in ""the cloud"". Spam Titan was the perfect fit.

David S.


Spam titan let’s me focus on more important matters

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? I found spamtitan via reddit 2 years ago and I cannot tell you how much time it has saved me. I am the sole IT person for a company of around 100 employees and before spam titan there would be days where half of my morning, every morning, was sorting through questionable emails that looked like legit invoices but werent. In the last year over 170k crap emails were stopped before reaching our mail servers. If I scanned every one of those emails manually with 1 minute scan time each. That's 118 DAYS worth of time spam titan has saved me. Their interface is to the point and not unnecessarily flashy. We use spam titan cloud and it is FAST. I can pull up a weeks worth of emails for all employees in 10 seconds and manually check if there was something blocked that shouldn't have been (rarely happens though). I can view suspicious emails without needing to download them first, I can create custom block lists by domain or email address. And I actually just found a digest feature that let's me send all employees a quarantine report allowing them to unblock things they need from their own email without needing me to stop, find the email, and white list it. Our plan has a set number of emails but unlimited domains so we have 4 companies using spam titan all under the same plan. I can add or remove companies on my own without messing with our cost or needing assistance from spam titan support. Lastly, spam titan support staff are AMAZING. it's ridiculous how helpful and friendly they are. The most recent example being that my email host started acting up and emails were vanishing. Spam titan support, as well as my account manager for spam titan looked into our delivery logs and informed me what they saw on their end. They then went out of their way helping me understand how to setup another companies product to work with their own when they didn't have to. I love these guys. The cost is absolutely worth the piece of mind and I'm a cheap skate to boot. I have never been happier with another company in my entire IT career. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? I'm saving time, money, and getting the benefit of virus scanning before email even reaches our own firewall and network. In IT the biggest security risk is always employees unfortunately. This cuts that risk down for email alone by I'd say at least 90% making my job so much easier.

Benjamin J.

Director of Information Technology

Cloud Version is Great for Managed Services Providers

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The support is great and the cloud platform seems to work very well at integrating with either on-site Exchange servers or Office 365. I also like the single daily email to each user giving them the opportunity to review blocked messages and take action. Many other platforms swamp users with notifications every time something is blocked. This is very simple for us to setup and users to understand. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? We are an MSP with clients of all sizes that desire managed spam protection. They need the ability to see what messages are blocked and whitelist if necessary, in a format that all of their users can understand. We appreciate the simple, clean interface that gives us the ability to quickly setup new clients, as well as quickly find and take action on messages that the client needs to find right away. The support has been great, as we are constantly swamped with duties and responsibilities of our own and do not have time to spend hours learning how to use a new platform or troubleshoot an issue.

Andrew B.

Vice President

Huge, and complete solution for fighting with spam

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The most I like is incredible effectiveness. So many options to set, so many switches - if you have knowledge how to fight with spam, SpamTitan gives you many tools to achieve your goal. And all this software for a reasonable price! What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? No spam it means many additional hours to make a business, it's more secure, no virues etc. It's very important to be sure, that someone else will fight for me on emails field.

Robert S.

IT Specialist

Get Serious About Your Workplace Security

It`s easy to look the other way and hope that your company's IT framework stays lucky and isn`t targeted by outside attacks, but the hard truth is that you can`t take that chance in today's business world.

A phishing attack can leave your company in shambles. It can also harm your clients if the attackers manage to gain access to your Office 365 account. Attacks can happen quickly and leave your business decimated in its wake.

Taking chances with your company's livelihood isn`t worth it.

SpamTitan Plus+ can safeguard your business, employees, and clients. Try SpamTitan Plus+ for Office 365 cost-free, and see the difference a premium protection service can make.

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


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