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Website Content Filtering Solutions

Website Domain Name System (DNS) or content filtering solutions are an important tool for a business that has cybersecurity concerns. Content filtering software is used to screen and exclude access to sites that are questionable or undesirable, and it is used by both businesses and homeowners. These are often part of firewall security, and content filtering solutions can be hardware or software.

Some of the things that a home or business may choose to exclude using content filters include:

  • Social networking sites.
  • Spam sites with malware or other viruses.
  • Hate sites and sites with violent content.
  • Pornographic websites.

Content filtering is important because it can keep viruses from installing on computers, keeping your network safe. Malware can get installed on a computer by simply visiting a website that has it running in the background, through emails, and even through executable files.

While the junk mail folder can help mitigate some of the spam risks, there are still some fraudulent emails that manage to slip through the cracks and make it to your inbox; if you click a link, download a file, or even reply to the email, you could end up installing malware.

That is why content filters are so important; they can help block access to this kind of malicious content.

How Content Filtering Solutions Work

The way that content filtering solutions work is by establishing rules for the kinds of sites that the computer or network can visit. It uses keywords and other common things between sites to group content into different categories. These can include social media, sports, gambling, adult content, and even streaming.

The content filter then takes the different categories and blocks computers on the network from accessing them. Content filters are similar to parental controls, but they take things a step further and join your antivirus protection to keep your system safer.

A content filter can be part of the computer’s hardware, it can be software that is installed on the system, or it can filter your internet through a cloud.

Did You Know?


businesses experienced a DNS attack


malware & spyware domains categorised a day


predefined categories by default


of websites tested by Google for malware were infected

Who Uses Content Filters?

While some of content filtering overlaps with antivirus and firewall protections, it goes much further beyond standard antivirus software by blocking sites that you simply do not want people to access.

This can help boost productivity for a business since it keeps its employees off of distracting sites, and it keeps you from having your system slowed down by an employee accidentally downloading a trojan.

Content filtering solutions are also used by schools to keep students from visiting certain sites as part of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). CIPA requires schools and libraries to keep children from accessing “obscene or harmful content over the Internet.”

Why You Need a DNS Filter to Protect Your System

In 2021, 74 percent of organizations had malware spread between employees; this is up 13 percent from 2020. Part of the reason that viruses are spreading and increasing is because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With so many people working from home, their machines may be more vulnerable to attacks than they previously were. Plus, phishing has become much more sophisticated in recent years since people have started seeing patterns in hacking attempts and emails.

Ransomware is also on the rise, with 61 percent of organizations last year experiencing a ransomware attack that disrupted some of their business operations. With this many different threats out there that can destroy your system, it is crucial that you have a filter that protects you.

Typosquatting is also a highly common tactic that can get people. For example, if you are trying to visit PayPal, but you accidentally type in “PayPsl” instead and do not notice it, you might end up at a typosquatting site instead.

These sites are designed to look exactly the same as the original site you intended to visit, all with the intent of stealing your information.

If you do not have a reliable content filtering solution to keep you from visiting that site, you might be unknowingly handing over your PayPal login to a hacker.

"Content filters are similar to parental controls, but they take things a step further."

Evaluating DNS Filters

There are many different content filtering solutions available these days for you to choose from, which is why knowing how to evaluate them to find the best one for you. Let’s take a look at some of the important criteria to consider.

Minimal Latency

When someone requests to visit a website, the content filter will quickly check your blacklist, categories, and keywords before allowing access to the site based on the filters you have designed. You need a DNS filter that takes an imperceptible amount of time to perform these checks.

Content Filtering Solutions in Multiple Languages

Internet threats do not limit themselves to a single language, and even if your employees do not speak multiple languages, Google will translate many websites from the language they originated in to your default language. It is a good idea to find a content filtering solution that will filter sites in multiple languages to give you an extra layer of protection against threats.

Integration with Your Directory

Many businesses use directory services like NetIQ and Active Directory. If your business uses these types of services, choose a content filtering solution that will integrate with the directory and allow you to apply your filters based on departments or user groups.

Updates Automatically

A content filter that updates automatically can save your IT crew a lot of time, and it ensures that your system stays protected from the latest threats.

Reliable Customer Support

No matter how good the DNS filter you choose is, there will inevitably come a time when you need to call technical or customer support to get help. You need a filter that has support available at all times so that you can get help right when you need it. It is important to note that some DNS filters will charge extra for support.

White Labeling

If you offer services for other businesses and want to offer website filtering to your clients, look for a DNS filter that has white label options. White labeling means that you can use your logo with the service and use it to help strengthen your brand’s image.

"74 percent of organizations had malware spread between employees."

DNS Filter Architecture

There are four major types of architecture for a website content filter, each with its own pros and cons. The way that each of these is set up is slightly different and will greatly determine what type of content filtering solution you select.

Client-Based DNS Filters

The client-based DNS filters are installed on every individual device. This often has a lower price, which makes it great for a small business with only a few employees or for a home network. The filtering needs to be managed and updated separately on each individual device, and the controls can be easier to get around if someone really wants to.

Server-Based Content Filtering Solutions

For a larger organization or school, server-based content filtering solutions are ideal. This is because the software is operated through the server so that you do not need to try to install everything on every individual device. The one drawback with the server-based filter is that it often requires you to purchase hardware and install everything on-site.

Gateway-Based Website Filtering Solutions

The gateway-based filters are a step up from the server-based solution and are ideal for an enterprise. The gateway-based content filters can be installed on your existing hardware, so long as the software is compatible. If you do not want to purchase additional hardware to install your filters, this is a great choice, and it can often provide some of the best content filtering.

Cloud-Based Website Content Filtering Solutions

Cloud-based DNS filters are a good alternative to gateway-based filters. They do not require you to buy hardware or integrate software into your existing system; instead, everything is based in the cloud, and you simply point the DNS at your existing servers. It does everything through the cloud.

Hear from our Customers

Superb DNS protection

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? Like all TitanHQ solutions, WebTitan is immediately ready for use and requires minimal technical intervention to protect all internal personnel. With the OTG client, remote, domestic, and traveling workers can also be protected. What to say? An all-inclusive DNS protection. Recommendations to others considering WebTitan Web Filter: Superb protection at an affordable price. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? The categories of sites deemed risky are blocked, preventing voluntary or involuntary clicking on the wrong link, which risks compromising company security, as well as limiting distractions for staff


Presales Engineer

WEBTITAN CLOUD and the support teams are great. It is helping us a lot.

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? The Webtitan is practical to move, what I like most is the speed in the synchronism of the users and the function of the Cloud Key. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? The only problem we are trying to solve is when the user takes another user's policy when he accesses it. But it happens to few.

Daiana M.


Works great for our school environment.

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? Easy of use and setup. I like the real time updates so that we can block and unblock websites on the fly. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? Filtering the web for 2000 students. Real time updates and changes.

Eugene Y.

IT Director

Best web proxy I ever used

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? - LDAP authentication, profiles work regardless the user IP address - can filter encrypted connections - MANY options for access policy and filtering - powerful reporting - updates for category definitions and antivirus - clear interface, easy to setup and maintain - robust system, never crash Recommendations to others considering WebTitan Web Filter: I use it on premise, for cloud subscription you must give it a try. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? I can apply company policies for web access restrictions and isolate all the workstations from the Internet by allowing access only through proxy for some applications only (e.g. browser). Also can avoid (un)intentional access to malicious sites.

Chrysostomos V.

System Engineer

Easy and robust

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? It was just so easy to setup and worked right out of the box. The URL database is very comprehensive too so we can be sure our network is safe. The sales and after support has been very good too. What do you dislike about WebTitan Web Filter? There's nothing I didn't like about the product really . Recommendations to others considering WebTitan Web Filter: The setup was so easy especially compared to GFI WebMonitor, the cost is way less too. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? Web filtering. It's a lot easier to administer and is MUCH cheaper than our old solution.

Ben R.


WebTitan Content Filtering Solutions

WebTitan’s DNS Filter is the top of the line option for homes, businesses, or schools in need of content filtering solutions. Some of the key features include:

  • Malware blocking
  • Content filtering
  • Scalability
  • Reporting
  • Customer Support
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Phishing Prevention
  • Business Email Compromise

It will keep your systems protected and prevent users from accessing any other sites that you need to block. Our team is available to answer any questions you have about our DNS Filter and get you started today!

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


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